Martes, Setyembre 30, 2014

 CED Socialization 2014:)

           September 27, 2014 is the one of the  most memorable moment for most of the CED faculty and students. Before the socialization started, most of us where excited to prepare the make-up, outfit, shoes and anything that will help us to become more presentable during that night. Although we have a lots of requirements, reports, and assignments that we need to be finished after the night, but it's okay because it can be considered as once in a life time moment. Together with my friends and classmates we've enjoy the socialization's theme: "First Day High Throwback". This was also categorized as sosy, rebel, nice guy, and demure, or anything that suits your personality. That's why most of the students were transformed based on what they are wearing on that night. All I can say that this year's socialization is best among the socializations that I have already attended since first year. I really enjoy all the happenings together with my friends. 

Martes, Setyembre 23, 2014

"We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis"
Hi!! I'm Rasmiya Camen, a butterfly lover forever.
18 years of age, from Mlang, North Cotabato...
 I love butterflies as I love mylife :)